Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Wrong Beliefs

Wrong Beliefs.

Now that a particular time of year has passed it's nice to not be waste deep in incorrect pagan imagery and sounds. However, that does not mean we are free from all forms of incorrect beliefs. Many people are stupid, and by extension also wrong. Here are ten examples of such incorectness.

10. " It's not whether you win or loose, but how you play the game."

What garbage. Of course sports are predicating on winning. It's what that sign above the field with the lit up numbers means. If it was all about sportsmanship why do coaches get a bonus if they win a championship? The only people who believe this old gem are the desperate parents in the stands cheering for their gimp son as he cowers in the corner of the field where the ball is least likely to land.

9. Dogs are smarter than cats.

What fallacy! People think a dog is smarter because you can teach it tricks. I've got news for you; If I train a person to go fetch me something every time I throw it, does that indicate wisdom on their part? No. It means they are a gullible tool. Dogs are big, slobbering idiots that do anything you want them to because they are too stupid to ignore you. Cat's on the other hand are graceful creatures who strive for independence. Also they know how to bury feces.

8. "Cheater's never prosper"

This gem of misguided wisdom should read, "Cheaters who get caught get in trouble". Whoever heard of someone with unlimited ammo not beating a game? Of course you prosper if you bend the rules. Kobyashi Maru 4,000 in the house!

7. The Customer is always right.

No friend. The customer is always wrong, else wise they wouldn't be bothering you. If the customer was always right they would remember their password or fix the problem themselves. The belief should be, "The customer is often wrong, but we make money off these jerks so deal with it." Misdirected anger is a tool of the buffoon and projection is their primary form of communication.

6. Greedo Shot First.
So you know, I have no qualms with the Special Edition. Only fanboys that remember watching Star Wars in the theater 70 times argue that the classic trilogy is not improved by a couple computer graphics here and there. Having said that, the inclusion of Greedo shooting at Han and missing at a distance of 2 meters in ridiculous. Any Bounty Hunter that is hanging out in Mos Eisley Spaceport is a better shot than that, or he'd be dead much earlier than Greedo had died. The fact is this; That Rodian was running his mouth at an excessive rate so Han shut him up. Case closed.
5. College is Better Than Pro
What does the emblem above indicate? It indicates a total lack of accountability in athletic competition. There are no playoffs and the players are not even paid. They are playing so that they can reach the next level. If the next level is so much worse, why do they strive so hard to reach it? Pro sports are more competitive, better to watch, and the only reason there are college sports.

4. "I Can't Draw."
You can't draw well. Everyone can draw. Some people without hands draw with their feet. People with no hands or feet draw with their mouths. If you don't have a mouth you can't say "I can't draw", so you can't believe it. Ha!

3. Weird Al Rips People Off

Take it easy Coolio. Before you go flying off the handle judging things you know nothing about, take a look at the artists library. Every album Al has ever had is compiled of 50% parody, and 50% original material. People just get they feelin's hurt when he pokes fun at the Backstreet Boys, or their favorite artist. It reminds them of when people ridiculed their mothers, and that's OK. However, listen to great hits such as "Waffle King", "One More Minute", or "I Remember Larry" before you spout off your slander.

2. Video Games Affect Your Actions
Some Jokers like to place blame. If a guy shoots somebody he must have got the idea from somewhere. He couldn't have gotten the idea from all that WWII footage could he? No. He must have been playing a video game and something snapped in his little head. There are alot of nuts out in the world who are sick individuals, and some of them play games. If you see some joker with a burlap sack over his head run up on a federal agent and saw his head off with his chainsaw, then I think there may be a small correlation.

1. Wrestling Is Real
Only the biggest retards on the planet believe wrestling is real. There are two excuses for believing that wrestling is real;
1. Your father is your brother and your mother is your grand daughter and you live in the south.
2. Your daddy is a wrestler, and you are under the age of seven.
Any other individual who expresses that any part of wrestling is real, or that wrestlers are athletes, needs to be laughed at every time you meet them. Too, if such an individual skips an event you are holding to watch wrestling, never invite them to another function again.

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