Thursday, January 14, 2010

Video Game Vacation

Best Video Game Destinations

It feels good to get away from it all. Not that I would now, being a slave to the man and all, but I can imagine. Instead of going to a theme park or some exotic cruise I would go to these places. Video games are full of places that we could only dream of! You can do things you couldn't get away with in State Parks. Below are the 10 places you need to go, so grab your travel agent and your wallet.

10. Twilight Realm

Hyrule is nice enough, but for a unique experience you will love the Twilight Realm. With the press of a button you'll be whisked away to a land of murky atmospheric effects and random neon designs. You may stumble across a couple demons, but don't worry they have clearly marked weaknesses. Just stab or bite them there a couple times and they'll go down. If you book your trip now, we'll include a royal midget with an odd sense of humor as your guide. At no additional cost!

9. E.D.N. III

This icy planet is home to a load of snow. It also houses a bunch of indigenous bug looking monsters call Araknid. Don't worry about that though because we have guns and big mechanical suits with guns. That's right. Like AVATAR. This isn't Pandora however. Here you can relax in deserted city's and gaze upon large glaciers. Don't leave the hotel without your vital suit though. If you have to venture out, be sure to kill one of the creatures and harvest their remains for energy every couple minutes. Else wise you'll freeze to death. Cold not your thing? Don't worry! Lost Planet 2 comes out this year and E.D.N. has been transformed into a lush jungle environment. The Araknid are still around though, so don't forget that machine gun.

8. Raccoon City

Ah, the heartland of America. This is not it. What better place to visit than a Japanese video game writer's idea of an average American city. You can go to all the average places sure, but just outside of town is where the real attractions are. A mansion with an underground genetic testing facility? Sign me up! Bring the kids to show them what can happen when a corrupt conglomerate abuses the laws of science and God at the same time. Just be sure that little Johnny knows how to handle a shotgun. Aim for the face Johnny!

7. Duckburg

Race cars? Lasers? Air o' Planes? What more do you want?! Here in the 8-bit glory of Duckburg you get all three, and so much more! Be sure to bring your metal detector along. There is treasure to be found every three feet here in Duckburg and it seems no one else is interested in it. Charter a flight with Launcpad McQuack today!*

*There may be a packet of waivers as thick as The Good Book for you to sign before boarding a flight with Mr. McQuack.

6. Crimea

The Fire Emblem games take place in many different lands. The best destinations can be found in Crimea. In the games Path of Radiance and Radiant of Dawn you travel through a land of wonderful different places. There are kingdoms of men with wonderful places and grand armies. There are land ruled by mighty dragons. A country ruled by a wise old man that turns into a lion and some kingdoms are ruled by birds! As you travel you can only move so many spaces at a time, but who cares? It's a great way to level up!

5. Green Hill Zone

Ah yes, a 16-bit paradise. Pack your running shoes and active gear because the Green Hill Zone is for those who enjoy an active lifestyle. Sure you may run into some poorly designed enemies and maybe even to one of the more painful Sonic characters, but everything around you will look nice. You'll never want to leave! Why? Because all the other Sonic game are straight garbage! Enjoy your stay.

4. Donkey Kong Country

When Donkey Kong got tired of his day job, standing on steel girders and throwing barrels, he really got away from it all. Far away from the urban environment is Donkey Kong Country. While her you will start of in the jungle, make your way to an ancient ruined city, jump through the forest, and explore an icy glacier. Strangely enough the end bit of the trip will be in a toxic waste dump and a pirate ship. If variety is the spice of life, this is the trip for you and your family. What is Diddy Kong any way? His brother? Cousin? Foster child?

3. Stunt Track

Aww yeah! It's always a drag being stuck at work all week. On weekends I like to buy a case of Monster Energy drinks at Costco and indulge in some extreme activity. Rush Extreme Racing is where it's at! Look here bro, you can choose from a number of sweet rides and totally paint them how you want! Then, after abusing your kidneys with more energy drinks, take those rides off some sweet jumps for excellent air! You'll get points for hang time, rolls, 2-wheels, and other wicked stunts. Don't worry about wrecking the cars bro, they re spawn every time! Heck yeah!

2. C-Island

At last, the only location on the list that actually has vacation in the plot. When Mike goes on vacation to see his uncle he finds C-Island is not only exotic and tropical, but is is also full of monster snakes, snails, bats, and other things you wouldn't expect to find on a chain of islands. While enjoying your stay on C-Island feel free to try to find your missing uncle, operate an advanced submarine, solve puzzles, and foil an alien plot to destroy the planet. This will be a once time offer as Nintendo has forgotten all about C-Island and it's wonderful charm. Oh, and bring your bat and yo-yo.

1. Mushroom Kingdom

Where else would you finish your video game vacation. The Mushroom Kingdom has been visited so many times, but it never gets old. There is an infinite number of things to do here!
You can always rescue the princess, that will take you to at least 8 very different part of the kingdom. After that you can drive around in karts, grab some friends for tennis, play 9 holes of golf, or even go to the Olympics. The Mushroom Kingdom is a varied landscape full of familiar imagery, jaunty musical scores, and enemies that aren't even that scary. Enjoy your time here, because your vacation is almost over and then it's back to work!

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