Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Weird Al Top 10

Weird Al's Top 10

The majority of the ignorant twits in the world think Al Yankovic is a joke. They think all he does is steal other people's music and make up silly rhymes. To prove this fact, google music parody and you will come up with a load of garbage songs, the majority of them falsely credited to Al. The truth however, is that Weird Al is a musical genius and has been making music for 30 years. Below are my choices for the ten best Al songs.

10. Phony Calls

This track should win an award for Best Cartoon Bit In A Song. The song is funny enough, and a great play on the now forgotten TLC song "Waterfalls". The best part of the song however comes in the middle, when a skit between Bart Simpson and Moe can be heard. "I'd like to speak with Mike, last name Rotch." "Mike Rotch! Mike Rotch! Has anyone seen Mike Rotch lately. " Classic. I would rewind this tape over and over just to hear that bit.

Most Memorable Line - Listen you little puke. One of these days I'm gonna find you, and I'm going to carve my name in your back with an ice pick! *Bart Laughs*

9. Slime Creatures

Ah yes, Slime Creatures. This is a tasty track. When outsiders listen to this track they get all confused. "What song is he making fun of here", they say. Well friend, as any Al fan knows half of the songs on any album are completely original. This one is one of the best. It's a song with techno synthesizer beat that tells the story of an alien invasion by slime creatures. As with all Al songs it is extremely light hearted and funny. It can be found on the album Dare to be Stupid.

Most Memorable Line - They'll suck your brain out through a straw, you just can't trust those guys. So hide the children, lock the doors, and always watch the skies!

8. Eat It

As far as Al still being around goes, he owes much to this parody of Michael Jackson's Beat It. This wasn't Al's first rodeo, but due to MTV's constant airing of the video Al become a household name. The video was a spot on parody of Jackson's video, including a knife fight with a rubber chicken. The song was featured on Al's second album, In 3D.

Most Memorable Line- How come you're always such a fussy young man? Don't want no Captain Crunch, don't want no Raisin Bran. Well, don't you know that other kids are starving in Japan, so eat it.

7. One More Minute

Al's first attempt at a love song is also his best. This song is done in a 50's doo wop style. The lyrics tell the story of a man singing about his girl friend leaving him. Instead of crying, Al sings about all the terrible things he would rather experience, than to spend another minute with his ex. It's an original song, and a great play on the classic "come back to me" type song. The song is also on the great album Dare to be Stupid.
Most Memorable Line- I'd rather jump naked on a huge pile of thumb tacks, or stick my nostrils together with crazy glue. Than to spend one more minute with you.

6. So Sick Of You
Songs about a man's relationship with a woman are usually filled with flattery and romance. That's not the case here. Al here, in an original song, sings about his disgust with a certain woman. His relationship with the woman is never disclosed, however his distaste is clearly outlined in very clear language. This gem is found on the Bad Hair Day album.
Most Memorable Line- Yeah, your teeth are all yellow, your butt's made of Jell-O. You wake up in a puddle, droolin' on your pillow.

5. White & Nerdy

Talk about a perfect storm. Al's genius enabled him to take a rap song about driving around with drugs, and turned it into an ode about everything I hold dear. X-men comics, Star Trek, computer jargon, romantic relationships with bubble wrap, it's all here! This is the type of song that warrants setting the volume to 11 whenever non-nerds are mean mugging you. The only problem with this song is how it excludes other minority nerds. At the same time however, "Mexican and Nerdy" does not rhyme with "Riding Dirty". This song is from the album Straight Outta Lynnwood. Lynnwood is Weird Al's home town.
Most Memorable Line- Only question I ever thought was hard, Was do I like Kirk or do I like Picard?

4. Waffle King
With Al, the more obscure the better. In this instance we have a song about a man who makes the best darn waffles the world has ever seen. The song chronicles the man's rise to fame and power. "Right this way sir, your money's no good here. One day I bet they'll build me a shrine", and other over the top statements of acclaim are found in the song. This song is the next to last track on the Alapalooza album. The one with Al's face imposed on the Jurassic Park logo.
Most Memorable Line - Don't you know who I am? You've got to be kidding me. Listen pal, you can kiss my royal butt.

3. I Remember Larry
Those who have heard this song have no idea what the image above references. Those who have heard the song know that after Larry preformed a number of pranks "I dragged him by his ankles through the middle of the forrest and stuffed him in a big plastic bag". After singing about outlandish and painfully mean spirited pranks Larry played, Al goes into detail about killing Larry. Al thinks of it as a prank, and states that "Larry would have to agree... It was a pretty good gag". This song is right before Phony Calls and The Night Santa Went Crazy on the album Bad Hair Day. What a tasty trilogy of travesty.
2. Stuck In A Closet With Vanna White
Al can be called the Autocrat of Absurdity. That being the case, this song is his pièce de résistance. From the title you may think the song is driven by a sexual desire Al has for the game show host. While I cannot confirm or deny such a motivation, I can tell you that is not the point of the song. Al describes a reoccurring dream he is having to a doctor. During his dream Al sees many different crazy things, but always ends up stuck in a closet with Vanna White. Hence the title. If you like this song, you like Al. It's on the first Weird Al tape I ever had, Even Worse. Picked it up at a garage sale.
Most Memorable Line- See, I'm naked in church when I meet a dinosaur. Try to run, but my feet have been nailed to the floor. Then a midget pushes me through a revolving door, and I'm back in the very same place I was before.

1. Yoda

Al is great and so is Star Wars. Add them together and you get the best Al song ever. Yoda is a parody of Lola by The Kinks. I bet you never thought a song about a transvestite Saigon prostitute could be converted into a song about the wisest Jedi Master. The song is written in perfect harmony with the events in The Empire Strikes back and is narrated from the viewpoint of the character Luke Skywalker. Al would later do another Star Wars song, The Saga Begins where he narrates the story of Episode I from the perspective of Obi-Wan. Yoda can be heard on the album Dare to be Stupid. Looks like that album has three of the best Al songs ever!
Most Memorable Line- Well, I've been around but I ain't never seen a guy who looks like a Muppet but he's wrinkled and green. Oh my Yoda, Yo-Yo-Yo-Yo Yoda

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