Monday, January 25, 2010

Super Bowl Picks

Star Wars Pick 'Em

The Super Bowl is a couple of weeks from now and a number of "experts" are making their picks. Don't listen to them. Before you go to your bookie or plan that trip to Vegas with the family's nest egg, take Crouch's advice. Base your decisions on Star Wars. Who are the teams?

From the NFC South, appearing in their first ever Super Bowl...

The New Orleans Saints!

And from the AFC South, winners of the 2006 Super Bowl the...

Indianapolis (is that how you spell it?) Colts!

Let's base our picks on Star Wars look-a-likes!

Drew Brees = Han Solo!

That unkempt 70's looking mop on Brees looks a lot like the one on a certain Corellian smuggler. Just like Solo, Brees has a good blaster at his side and aint afraid to use it. Will winning the Super Bowl be as easy as dusting crops, or will Brees be floating home?

Reggie Bush = Lando Calrissian

Ok sure, he doesn't have a fine mustache, and he's not the administrator of the facility, but Reggie Bush is African American and he does have an affinity for the ladies. His celebrity and panache have gone along way to help his less that glorious NFL career seem greater than it is. Someone must have told the Saints organization about his little maneuver at the Battle of the Rosebowl.

Payton Manning = Ki Adi Mundi

Payton Manning is one ugly white guy with a huge forehead. Fortunately for the Colts, that unusually shaped dome is full of football knowledge. The Colts will have to rely on his Jedi like instincts if they hope to win in Miami.

Piere (?) Garcon = Jar Jar Binks

I'm not sure if that's how you spell his first name, but this receiver has had some Gungan like luck this season. The ball just seems to fall into his hands, just like a booma would fall into Bink's hands and destroy a battle droid. Garcon holding up the Haitian flag after the game reminds us of the fight Jar Jar was involved with on Naboo.

So Who Wins?

The Saints!!!!!!!

After Commissioner Goodell (sp) initiates Order 66, Ki Adi Mundi and his lucky Gungan won't have a chance. Han and Calrissian will make short work of them shortly after. After all "Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid."

I have the Saints winning 34-21.

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