Monday, May 24, 2010

Glorch League Origins

The Abysmal League of Glorch's

Origin: Specs

Cory was a curious young boy. As a toddler he took his Viewmaster apart in order to figure out how the images of Oscar the Grouch were being displayed. Once he learned how to read, he would pick up the manuals for all manner of things in the house. The vacuum, the radio, the TV, air conditioner, and anything else he could find. In school he took all the mechanical/technical electives that were offered and passed each class with flying colors. By the end of High School Cory had an advanced knowledge of how most things worked.

Amazing as his accomplishments in the technological field were, Cory had one issue. He was mute from birth. He couldn't speak, and was often thought of as a lesser individual. Scorned by many and driven to depression, Cory dismissed his affinity for technology and drifted away into the obscurity of a full time job.

Five years after graduating and working his dead end job Cory had accrued enough vacation time to take a trip to Las Vegas. Glad to get out of town, Cory made many stops on his journey. As a spur of the moment thing he also too a left turn on Highway 95 and headed to Area 51. Certainly always impressed by the mythical stories of the military base, Cory thought it would be fun to see how close he could get to the infamous test facility.

Not very. Just outside of the base his car lost control. Panicked, Cory tried his best to steer the vehicle or to control it's speed. He could not stop it from careening off the road and into the desert. The car gained speed and bumped along the unpaved sand. Already bewildered, Cory was even more surprised when the sun in the sky blackened and his car became airborne. As the car rose steadily upward in a vertical arc, it was clear he was being abducted.

Aboard the ship Cory was surprised to fine none of the typical things he had seen on TV and in movies. The room he and his car were in was furnished with satins and linens, couches and chairs. If not for the previous experience he would have thought he was in a 1920's opium den. However the illusion of being within a normal terrestrial environment soon vanished. A small creature, no more than four feet tall, came into the room from an adjacent door. He hobbled over to Cory's car. Cory locked the door. The being produced a small device and held it up against the door. The car's doors denigrated, and Cory passed out.

Upon waking up Cory found him self in luxurious surroundings. The being was sitting in a recliner across from him and was fiddling about with the GPS system from Cory's car. Cory was very surprised when he voiced his protest. For the first time in his life he had spoken. The being explained later that he had repaired his voice box. He also revealed that he was awed at how primitive human technology has continued to be. He also told Cory he was dying. He had been waiting years to find the right person to bestow a gift upon. He explained that although he didn't think Cory was the deserving one he had been searching for, he was out of options. He bestowed upon Cory the ability's to analyze technology by looking at, and to build future technologies. His hope was that humans would evolve beyond primitive technologies.

The alien passed away before he could share all of his technology and desires, but Cory was changed non the less. He could speak and he indeed had new abilities. Instead of continuing his vacation, Cory used what scrap metal he could find in the desert to turn his car into a flying machine. He made it back to Oregon in time to go back to work. In the past couple weeks he has been pondering what to do with his new found abilities. Oh, and he talks a lot now too.

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