Monday, May 24, 2010

Glorch League Origins

The Abysmal League of Glorch's

Origin: The Smarmy Bullet "Smarms"

Smarmy –adjective,smarm·i·er, smarm·i·est.
excessively or unctuously flattering, ingratiating, servile, etc.

In the mountains of the northwestern part of The United States there was a family that lived in a self enforced exile. Deep in the forest they had built a cabin. A paranoid family, they gave birth to a young man. His name was Justin. The family was armed to the teeth with all manor of weapons. Pistols, machine guns, shotguns, and explosive launchers, they had them all. Justin was taken with the weapons from an early age. He would hunt deer and small birds and had become an expert marksman by the age nine.

Though they lived in the woods, they were not an uncivil family. Justin's mother was a former aid to the Royal Family in England, and taught her children the finest of manners from an early age. Justin would always say please and thank you. He would practice all manner of formalities with carved analogs made of wood. Needless to say he was always smiling, and even on his worst days never impolite.

Tragically the government found out that the family was living in the woods. They sent out representatives of the Census Bureau to the secluded cabin. The paranoid family panicked at the site of the visitors. Justin, the youngest, was hidden in a tunnel while the rest of the family took up arms. Oddly enough the representatives of the Census Bureau brought weapons with them and as soon as they reached the cabin a bloody duel broke out. Only Justin survived.

Scorned and full of grief, Justin took what supplies he could find and made his way into the city. There he got an apartment and a job as a welder. Knowing nothing else but munitions and politeness, Justin plotted his revenge on the government. Not knowing much of the modern legal system, Justin's initial plot ended up in his incarceration. One charges of public indecency and seven counts of bringing a firearm into a Post Office were brought against him. However due to his exemplary manner and diplomatic skill set, he was able to get a reduced sentence of 1 year with probation. He gets out of the county jail tomorrow.

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