Monday, May 24, 2010

Glorch League Origins

The Abysmal League of Glorch's.
Origin: The Brutal Mist.

`````On the outskirts of a quiet Canadian town there lived a scientist. This scientist had become mad some time ago and had been experimenting on various species of primates. His specific research centered on the area of the brain that caused rage. He had taken several samples of the medulla oblongata and made a special serum that he would administer to the animals. Upon receiving the serum the animals would become angry and expel rage from themselves until death. The Humane Society of Canada shortly found out about his sick experiments and made their way to his lab to besiege him. Besieged, the crazy scientist escaped. Desperate, and wanting to ensure his life's work, he made his way next door to a local whiskey distillery. Cornered by the animal activists, he dumped the serum into a whiskey bottle. The scientist was captured shortly thereafter and imprisoned.
`````The whiskey company, Misty Mountain LLC, was unaware of the contamination the scientist had caused. So a case of Misty Mountain Whiskey was sent out unassumingly to a liquor store in Roseburg, Oregon. An unassuming employee stocked the contaminated bottle on the store shelf. Later that week an unassuming fool named James Hamby walked into that very liquor store. A large man in his mid 20's, James was looking for something to lift his spirits for cheap. A wrassler he was fond of had recently lost a match and he was in a fowl mood. The Misty Mountain was priced right at $7.99 a bottle. Hamby purchased the contaminated whiskey and went home. Foolishly he finished the bottle, and the serum, in one night.
`````The next day James awoke with a sore belly and a headache. He dressed, sloppily, and headed off to work. He took care of his stomach ache on his first break, a ritual 15 minute visit to the employee restroom, and went back to work. His headache dissipated over the course of the day. Upon returning home James was in a good mood and feeling better. Then he saw it, the empty bottle of Misty Mountain on the counter. It taunted him, flooded his mind with regret. He would throw the bottle out, and put it out of his memory. As he picked up the bottle a strange urge came over him. He wanted to sniff the contents of the empty bottle. He slowly brought the bottle's opening closer and closer to his nose. Once it was there Hamby breathed in and gave the bottle a good sniff.
`````He immediately dropped the bottle to the ground and became perfectly still. Then he began to shudder. The scent if the whiskey was in all of his senses. He could taste it. He could feel it. He could even hear it! It sounded like a primal drum beat. It made him angry. Very angry. Hamby's whole body trembled with rage as he was transformed. His muscles grew a little and his hair grew long. Spikes shot out from his shoulder blades and he hunched over. He tore through his home and out in to the streets. He hit things and shouted gibberish. Children ran and women cried. He ended up by the river as the rage subsided and he returned to normal. All told the rage lasted maybe an hour. Damages to the city amounted in $3,457.79. Hamby was never identified as the unknown menace. He went home and destroyed the whiskey bottle. Even to this day his rage is suppressed.

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