Friday, December 18, 2009

GOOD COP / BAD COP Playstation 3

Good Cop

5. Technical Specs.

Whether you can tell or not, it feels good to have the biggest engine on the block. The specs for the PS3 are superior to every other console and that may make some difference down the road.

4. Excellent first party titles.

While few and far between, the exclusive PS3 games are among the highest reviewed games out. there. In a market when new games cost $60 dollars that's big. Uncharted, Metal Gear, Little Big Planet, and the up and coming God of War 3 look to be huge critical successes.

3. Multimedia capabilities.

The PS3 will play many formats of different files. There are few formats it will not accept and linking up multimedia devices is fairly simple. With the 120 gigs of storage you can keep a good deal of entertainment on your hard drive.

2. Slim & Price Cut

When the PS3 came out it was an overpriced grill-looking beast that no one could afford. The slim, while giving up a couple of advantages, came out with a lower price tag, increased hard drive, and a sleeker design. The strategy is all ready paying off for Sony, who is moving more PS3s off shelves than ever before.

1. Blue-ray support

You can pay up to $199 for a Blue-ray player. The PS3s built in Blue-ray capability make it a no brainer for gamers who can only support one system and have an HDTV. Without doubt the best additional selling point of any system.


5. Bungled Release.

You see that little red line? That indicates the PS3's sales since release. Not a very happy little red line. Arriving late and very expensive to the party can have it's detriments. The last to be released and the first to have a remodel, that in itself is an admission to a botched release.

4. Load Nation
There's nothing like being the first to go out and grab a game and take it home and play it right away. Too bad for many titles you'll be sitting on the couch for up to 10 minutes while mystery data is loaded on to your hard drive. Talk about a buzz kill.

3. No PS2 on the Slim
Of all the nerve. Why Sony did this is beyond me. Both other systems allow you to play the previous gen on the current console. Why not on the slim? Did it really take up that much room? No. PS2 games will shortly be available on the Playstation Network and Sony wants your money.
2. Same Old Controller.
The Wii radically changed their idea of what controllers could do and the 360 updated the controller with a sleeker looks and a better ergonomic design. The Ps3 added blue tooth wireless tech. That's it. The controller is unusually light, like it came with a Happy Meal. The button lay out is still the same and feels out of place. The controller while not cheap, feels cheap. Lazy Sony, very lazy.

1. PS3 Fanboys.
You know the type. Look at the screenshot above. See any difference? Neither does anyone that didn't pay $599 on launch day for a PS3. The specs may be greater on a PS3 but there is little to no difference in the actual finished products. Hearing a Playstation argue that their system is better than yours is like hearing a hillbilly try to explain how his mom is hotter than his sister.

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