Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Top 10 Things I Hate.

10. Wet Towells
Or even towells that feel wet. I just took a hot shower. Unless it was boiling water that just hit the towell, it will feel like frost. No thanks.

9. Seafood
Like cannibalism, you would have to grow up eating the stuff to have an appreciation for it. Ech. I'm told Oysters are an aphrodisiac. Slimey shelled turds? On what planet is that becoming?

8. Rude People
Oh Hi! You're the first person on earth to ever be inconvinienced! Let me just sit here and take that well deserved ire.

7. Dogs
Again, you'd have to be raised around such creatures to tolerate them. If I smelled bad and crapped in the yard I'd be kicked out of the house. Does anyone need a room mate?

6. Twighlight
Not the princess, the movie. If you're going to make Teen Beat The Movie, at least call it that.

5. Pennies
Does anything cost a penny? Maybe aggregate sunflower seeds but those come in bulk. Hey Government, take all the pennies and build a couple copper/zinc bridges.

4. Salt & Vinegar Chips
Urine flavored fried potatoes. Mmmmm.

3. Gum underneath the chair
What jerk put this here? Where am I supposed to put mine?

2. Oraganic anything
Oh goody. Chewy grannolla bars hard as rocks and produce saturated in feces instead of chemicals. Can I pay 40% more for these items? I may?! Joy!

1. Snakes
Finally a hatred I can back up with the scriptures. Genesis friends. These vile creatures are so revolting even the toughest man can't stand them. Don't be ashamed Indy, everyone with half a brain hates them too.

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