Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Top 10 Dinosaurs

10. Triceratops

A staple of dinosauria, this herbivore dwelled during the cretaceous period. It is believed the horns of the triceratops were used for defensive positioning against predators. The horns could reach up to 4 feet long.

Fun Fact : "Three Horns" never play with "Longnecks". Evidence that racism is millions of years old.
9. Parasaurolophus

This "near crested lizard" just looks cool. Aerodynamic and built for multiple environments, parasaurolophus was the envy of all duck billed herbivores. Early in the century paleontologists thought the horn served as a snorkel. What fools! While hollow, the horn has no hole at the top. It is now widely excepted as ornate and no doubt use to attract females. Kinda like Elvis' hair.

Fun fact : Like many dinosaurs, a complete skeleton of a parasaur has never been found. If you do find one you won't have to work for a year

8. Allosaurus

This is the first dinosaur on our list to hail from the Jurassic period, or as I like to call it the middle child of the Mesozoic. Allosaurus means different lizard and during the Jurassic it was different in that it was the largest theropod in the region. Large jaws and sharp claws made him a frightening predator.
Fun Fact : An Allosaur's jaw were linked together much like a modern day snake's. This has led some to believe that an allosaur could unhinge it's jaws and swallow animals as large as a pig whole.
7. Pterodactyl

An impressive sight, the pterodactyl is the most well known flying dinosaur. Officially known as a Pterosaur, I prefer pterodactyl which is derived from "Winged Finger" in Greek. Obviously when someone flips "the bird" they are trying to tell you they hope a pterodactyl swoops down and eats your children.

Fun Fact : Zombie Pterodactyls = Box Office Gold. Make the royalty checks out to Crouch.

6. Pachycepholasaurus

A mean looking dinosaur, the only portion of this genus to be discovered is the head and mandible. The generic body is only a hypothesis of what the entire animal looked like. Pachycepholasaurus means "thick headed lizard", and for good reason. The dome could be as thick as 10 inches, or the length of an average humans face.

Fun Fact : Long considered to be the ram of the dinosaur kingdom, recent research has found no evidence that the pachy used it's head for combat of any kind. The complete skulls found indicate no trauma from impact. Perhaps they were just safe bicycle riders of the dinosaur world.

5. Styracosaurus

Size isn't everything. While in the same family of triceratops, styracosaurus was a bit smaller but looked allot meaner. The originally named "spiked lizard" had large nostrils and it's anatomy suggests it could run faster than an elephant. It's front horn could grow to be four feet long. Watch where you sit.

Fun Fact : My first dinosaur model was a Styracosaurus. It was yellow and brown. I stuck the horns up my nose.

4. Brachiosaurus

Ah yes, the arm lizard. Once thought to be the largest of dinosauria, this sauropod is aptly named as it's fore arms are longer than it's hind legs. It was once assumed that the Brachisaur had nostrils atop it's domed head and that it walked under water and went up to air like a whale. This has been proven incorrect as the nostrils are placed much like other sauropods.
Fun Fact : The Ronto in the special edition of Star Wars A New Hope is based on the computer model of the brachiosaurus from Jurassic Park.
3. Stegosaurus
Another of the most distinct dinosaurs, stegosaurus is unique and instantly recognizable. The most distinctive feature of course, being the fins on it's back. The plates have been the subject of much debate as their purpose is not clear. Protection and cooling are the primary hypothesis.
Fun Fact : The stegosaurus has a cavity on it's back near it's hind quarters. It was long thought that cavity was an area for a second brain that was needed to regulate such a large animal. That theory has been disproven, although it still remains unclear as to what was held in that area of the animal.
2. Tyrannosaurus Rex

Aww Yeah! You can call him daddy if you like, but the tyrannosaur is one of the most awe inspiring carnivores to ever walk the planet. A head the size of an SUV and jaws more powerful than a hydraulic press this apex predator was built to weed out the week. The most complete tyrannosaur skeleton was discovered by Sue Hendrickson, and named Sue, was sold for a staggering 7.6 million dollars and is on display at the Field Museum of National History in Chicago. I want to go there.
Fun Fact : Scientists that argue that Tyrannosaurus Rex was a scavenger need to be slapped in the mouth.

1. Deinonychus

Dromeosaurids were built for speed not for comfort. Fossil impressions have lead to the idea that these dinosaurs with "terrible claws" were completely feathered. Whatever the case these dinosaurs may have been among the most intelligent predators of the cretaceous. The brain cavity of deinonychus is similar to that of a dolphins. Believed to be pack hunters, these animals were about the size of a horse.
Fun Fact : The animals you see as velociraptors in the Jurassic Park more closely resemble deinonychus. An average velociraptor would have only come up to the actor's waist. Perhaps there were some steroids involved in the cloning process.

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