Friday, December 11, 2009

Survival Guide - 10 Things You Need To Take On Any Boss

10. Proton Torpedoes.

No system is perfect. Even a space station the size of a moon will have a weakness of some kind. Chances are there will be a big machination between you and victory so you better bring these along for the journey. Targeting computer optional.

9. Sword of Destiny

You can't kill a boss with just any sword. You know the sword just outside of town that is lodged in an unnaturally sculpted stone? Why don't you go over and try to grab it. If it doesn't come out go home. You aren't going to beat the boss with out it, and you obviously haven't been chosen.

8. Shoes

You can't go bare foot into danger and hope to survive. You need to be quick on your feet, and you need to be able to jump very high. Hopefully you can also find a pair that let you jump on spiked enemies.

7. Claws

What are those? Fingers? No friend. You need claws. Preferably indestructible very sharp claws. No doubt the boss is made of a alloy that is made of a substance that is indestructible to everything except your claws. Confused? Don't be. Just look mean and scratch around.

6. Jet Pack
Not everything is on the bottom shelf. In fact many challenges in life are on what you might call the top shelf. Don't bother with ladders or pesky FAA certified aircraft. A jet pack is what you need. Only a jet pack leaves your hands free to blast or otherwise harm the enemy.
5. Elemental Weapon

You're going up against the Ice Dragon. Don't throw snowballs at him it will just make him angry. Grab a FIRE SWORD and hit him for extra elemental damage! Lava King? Grab the Ice Blasting Rocket Launcher and give him a couple rounds. Word to the wise; Don't try to kill Dynamite Man with your Fire Gun. Try a water cannon.

4. Barrel Roll

Not so much as an item as it is a skill, however the barrel roll is a necessity for survival. Being shot at? Spin around! They can't hit you! Plus spinning causes your hull to become reflective! Why not have a hull that reflects lasers at all times? Don't be stupid. That's impossible.
3. "A" button

God help you if you're walking along and a flashing "A" button flashes across the screen. You better have your finger on that button or else a cut scene where you die will be the next thing you see. Ever since God of War every boss in existence has a sweet move that can only be defeated by pressing a button in sequence. Some games *cough* FABLE 2 *cough* even have pressing A as the only solution to defeating the enemy. Press A one time. You win. Dumb.

2. Big Red Area Detecting Goggles

I don't know what type of skin irritation causes it, but nearly all enemies will have a huge rash on the only vulnerable section of their body. Strap these goggles on to be able to view the huge red area and take aim. The belly, the posterior, eye socket, and knee caps are common areas to find the discoloration.

1. Mystery Blocks
Bring some of these along and you can't go wrong. Only the most veteran warriors can hope to attain victory with out the help of mystery blocks. The bestow grand power ups at opportune moments and can save you in a pinch. They can give you things ranging from Raccon suits, money, invincibility, or even an extra life!

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