Monday, June 7, 2010

Super Review : MGS Peacewalker


Is this walk worth taking?
For those without enough taste/foresight to be playing Super Mario Galaxy 2 on the Wii, there is a major release coming from Sony. The next game in the Metal Gear saga will be released on the PSP tomorrow. In anticipation and recognition of my journalistic talents Sony sent me a personal copy last month. I have completed the game and here are my impressions.
First of all, my hat goes of to Sony for taking the bold step of diversifying lead characters in video games. Early on in this prequel we find out that Big Boss, the lead character, is in fact homosexual. This fact is harped on in many of the cut scenes, but does not appear in the actual game play. While I do not condone Big Boss's choice of sexual preference, I appreciate Sony having the flexibility to add a layer of depth to one of their trademark characters.

Big Boss = Portable sized homosexual.
After learning of Big Boss liking boys I turned my attention to game play. It was rubbish. Using the PSP's d-pad to control Big Boss was painful. He walked around like a stooge and would never go where I wanted him to go. The weapon select function is also lacking. You can't switch weapons without going back to the main menu and select "Gun switcher". You then have to sort through 3 or 4 menus to find the gun you want and then load your game again. The only thing that functions well is the stealth. The enemy AI is so poor they can't seem to ever see you until you stomp on their toes.
You can hide if you want, but they never see you.
In conclusion you will need alot of patience and a disregard for the council found at 1 Corinthians 6:9 to enjoy this average title.
I give this one 2 Glorching Gators out of 5.

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