Thursday, June 24, 2010

E3 2010 - Glorch Reactions

E3 2010 - Crouch's Take.

They key component of E3 is expectations. Gamer expect a steady dose of technological advancements and game play evolutions. This year all I wanted was for Nintendo not to look like the stunted older brother going against the taller, stronger, younger brother in a football match. I knew of the 3Ds, but I feared that Nintendo would just offer a new version of the current DS with some gimmicky 3D technique.For Microsoft I new that "Natal" would be big. I figured they would have Halo and Gears of War hooked up to it. For Sony I didn't know what to think. Maybe a PSP to compete with the 3DS, or maybe a new announcement about their Wii Mote knock off. Here's how it went down.

Sony & Microsoft - Grabbing Nintendo's Coat Tails With Both Hands

"You mean you use your hands? That a kid's game!" Much like the young Cafe 80's patrons of the year 2015 Microsoft is of the mind that controllers are going to be phased out. And boy did they want to let you know.

The above diagram show Microsoft marketing strategies for the newly named "Kinect". The motion capturing device is an impressive feat. What did they have to showcase it? A bunch of Wii game rip offs. The company known best for hardcore shooters showed a line up of the same games that they ridiculed the Wii for. The stage demonstrations did not even use the Kinect. Rather actors simulated the experience. No price was announced, but most believe the device will cost around $150. Due to the release of a new slimmer edgy 360 that means Kinect will cost as much as the original console is going for brand new. With all of the other $$$ sucking items you have to purchase to enjoy the 360, I don't see this ending well. The rest of the time Microsoft showed more of the same. Shooters made for American males ages 12-35. Rinse and repeat.

Then there was Sony. I am a proud PS3 owner, and as far as HD gaming I don't think it gets much better. They focused on Move for teh majority of the show. Wah wah. The thing is a Wii Mote with a tumor. It works like one and is one. They will go around $50 a piece, so if you don't own a Wii and have the undying need to have your motions controlled I guess you could pick one up. The thing is the tech is almost 4 years old now. Wii games may not be as pretty, but they are cheaper and the good ones all ready do it as well as it can be done.

All in all, Sony and Microsoft just announced further details on items you already knew were coming. Nothing new to really speak of. That doesn't mean I didn't get excited for any of the games coming out. There was one.

Marvel Vs. Capcom 3

Never before has there been game play videos that make me feel the way these did. It almost is too much to just watch. The game doesn't come out for another year and yet I yearn so badly to employ Chris Redfield's arsenal finisher. By the look of it, this is a game that delivers everything a sequel should be. It's a good thing too, since it's been 10 years since MVC2. Of all the games for 360/PS3 this is the only one that is a must play the day it is released.

Nintendo's Renaissance

The last 5-6 years Nintendo has been the butt of jokes and ridicule for their childish games and lack of online support. As a fanboy I just had to sit by and watch as I played a couple solid Nintendo titles each year. This year Nintendo unloaded the mother lode. Not for the Wii, but for a whole new console. There were some good Wii games though...

Donkey Kong Country Returns

There hasn't been a proper sequel to the first Donkey Kong Country game. The two "sequels" on SNES didn't even have Donkey Kong as a playable character! Donkey Kong 64 was a decent platformer, but the 64's abilities didn't lend itself to the beautiful 2D backgrounds of the other games. The Game cube turned DK into a barrel banging mascot, and the Wii has had him in some experimental motion controlled games. This announcement was out of no where. Of all the things fan boys cry for and whine about, DKC was not one of them.

This game however, looks fantastic. It's being developed by the same team that helmed the praised Metroid Prime series. The screen shots show a great looking platformer that resembles the first game's sense of style. I didn't see this one coming, but am excited to return to a game that is super nostalgic.

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

When the new Zelda game was announced last year I figured the game would be a Twilight Princess style game with added Motion Plus support. How pleasing the actual game is. not a cartoon, but not photo realistic, the game looks amazing. It looks like what playing a Zelda game should be. The Motion Plus aspect also makes this the first real reason to purchase the add on device, almost a year after that was introduced. This sounds like a must play, at least 40 hour gameplay journey.

Goldeneye Wii

This one certainly doesn't fall under the category of game fanboys never requested. Every 1st person shooter for the last 15 years has been compared to the one that did it the best. Goldeneye 64 is the best fps out there. The last generation saw the sadly realized effort of Goldeneye Rogue Agent released by EA. An Hd version of the classic was ported to the 360 last year, but was not a sequel. This game has the daunting task of living up to the original. When you add on top of that Wii controls, I don't have a hard time thinking this could fall flat on it's face. However, based on the screens I've seen it looks like it may do the trick. We'll have to wait and see. The one thing I do know is that Daniel Craig's Bond movies are better, but having him replace Pierce Brosnan for this game is a mistake.

So while my Wii had been sitting on the shelf for a while, I am glad Mario Galaxy 2 made me dust it off. The majority of the console games coming out in the future that grab my interest are going to be on the Wii.

Nintendo is looking tough already, but the reason they blew the competition out of the water this year is because while the others are shoveling motion sensing tech and shooter sequels out, Nintendo released more details on their new, stronger, cooler, and 3Der handheld.

The 3DS
Wider screens? Check. Joystick? Check. Higher quality graphics? Check. No one expected the 3D technology to be that impressive, but from reports I have read the 3D effect is genuine and not cheap looking. That in itself would have been enough to convince me, but I don't think anyone was ready for the slew of awesome first party and third party titles that were announced.

Animal Crossing
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Metal Gear Solid: Naked Sample

Resident Evil: Revelations

Paper Mario 3D

Mario Kart 3DS

Star Fox 64 3DS!!

I doubt anyone will have the money to purchase and play all of those titles, so let's hope they trickle out over a period of time. No release date was announced, but I would say that March 2011 and a price tag of $250 is what we can expect. The games will probably jump up $5 and cost $40 a piece. A portable Game Cube would have sold me, but it looks like we're getting a portable GameCube with 3D graphics, enhanced Wifi abilities, 3 Cameras, and the best line up of release titles I've ever seen. Better start saving the pennies.

Friday, June 11, 2010


Have You Seen This Man?

Last seen holding The Scepter of Power at a private residence. If you see this man do not engage. Leave the premesis and notify local law enforcement. Good Day.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Super Review : MGS Peacewalker


Is this walk worth taking?
For those without enough taste/foresight to be playing Super Mario Galaxy 2 on the Wii, there is a major release coming from Sony. The next game in the Metal Gear saga will be released on the PSP tomorrow. In anticipation and recognition of my journalistic talents Sony sent me a personal copy last month. I have completed the game and here are my impressions.
First of all, my hat goes of to Sony for taking the bold step of diversifying lead characters in video games. Early on in this prequel we find out that Big Boss, the lead character, is in fact homosexual. This fact is harped on in many of the cut scenes, but does not appear in the actual game play. While I do not condone Big Boss's choice of sexual preference, I appreciate Sony having the flexibility to add a layer of depth to one of their trademark characters.

Big Boss = Portable sized homosexual.
After learning of Big Boss liking boys I turned my attention to game play. It was rubbish. Using the PSP's d-pad to control Big Boss was painful. He walked around like a stooge and would never go where I wanted him to go. The weapon select function is also lacking. You can't switch weapons without going back to the main menu and select "Gun switcher". You then have to sort through 3 or 4 menus to find the gun you want and then load your game again. The only thing that functions well is the stealth. The enemy AI is so poor they can't seem to ever see you until you stomp on their toes.
You can hide if you want, but they never see you.
In conclusion you will need alot of patience and a disregard for the council found at 1 Corinthians 6:9 to enjoy this average title.
I give this one 2 Glorching Gators out of 5.